If you are not on our #1 preferred backup solution, please take two minutes to read this article as it contains a very important message regarding your company’s backup and your ability to be up and running fast in the event of a data-erasing natural disaster, server failure, virus attack or other “digital crisis.” And since September is National Disaster Preparedness Month, I felt this was an appropriate time to remind you about this.
Five years ago, we discovered a tremendous Backup and Disaster Recovery (BDR) system. When we first found this solution, I was skeptical that it could deliver protection and security for an incredibly low price. But after doing a ton of research and testing, we found that this is by far an absolute necessity for all companies concerned at all about securing their computer data.
While many backup systems are “good,” there are a lot of problems with many older, inferior systems. Problems such as:
- If a problem were to disable your server(s), it could cost thousands to restore and would take several days (minimum) to get you back up and running.
- Not backing up ALL of your critical data.
- It may not backup open files; that means you could lose an entire day’s worth of work if something goes wrong.
- You have to do something manually in the backup process, leaving room for human error.
That’s why I want to make it no-brainer for you to switch to our BDR Solution. When you replace your old backup system with this one by October 15, 2014, we will:
- Waive the setup fee (normally $400 – $1,000, depending on how many servers you have).
- Give you up to 20% off the ongoing backup storage fees. And considering this off-site backup is already much cheaper than most, you’re going to save a ton of money.
This is not about us making money – it’s about YOU having the right backup in place to make sure you never have to deal with the costs and devastation of being “out of business” and without your data. Call us today at 678-822-5815 for a Free BDR quote.
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