Referral Program
How Our Referral Program Works:
- Call us with your referral information or fill out the form below. (You can call Jack Marder at 678-822-5821.
- We can call your referral to introduce ourselves, or even better, you can make the initial introduction.
- We will pay you $50 for any qualified business that we get an appointment to meet with.
But wait…. There’s even more !!! If your referral becomes a client, we’ll pay you another $450, or make a donation to your favorite charity on your behalf.
What Makes a Good Referral For Us?
What Makes a Good Referral For Us?
Any owner or business manager with 10 or more employees in the metro Atlanta area. We’re particularly looking for businesses in: manufacturing, construction, medical, legal, engineering, and professional services.
By recommending your friends, partners, associates, or professional contacts, you can help them enjoy worry-free IT and reap some rewards for yourself.