For your business to get the most out of workflow automation, it is important to understand exactly what it is, how it works, and the benefits it offers. In this blog, we will explore all of those things and show you how workflow automation can help your business run more smoothly and efficiently.
Lift the burden of manual tasks with automation
Marketing automation: Is it worth it for SMBs?
Traditional marketing strategies involve manually segmenting lists, sending emails, and tracking leads. However, these processes can be time-consuming, costly, and error-prone. Marketing automation fixes these issues, helping small- and medium-sized businesses (SMBs) acquire more leads and increase their revenue.
Drive more leads with SMB marketing automation
More and more small- to mid-sized businesses (SMBs) today are embracing automation solutions to help grow their business. Marketing automation, in particular, provides the tools necessary to execute, manage, and streamline marketing tasks that help capture leads and nurture them into sales-ready prospects.
Reasons to automate small-business marketing
Over the years, marketing automation has become more accessible to small businesses. Thanks to innovative cloud solutions, large and small enterprises can reap the benefits of automating tedious marketing tasks. Here are a few advantages to automating your small business’s marketing efforts.
Why should you automate SMB marketing?
One of the biggest innovations in business and technology is marketing automation. Previously reserved for well-funded enterprises, marketing automation is now accessible to small businesses, thanks to affordable cloud solutions. Here are five profitable benefits to automating some of your most mundane marketing tasks.
Manage your business better with ERP
The only way for your business to succeed is for it to keep improving. There are many areas you can always refine, like company policy and customer service. One important improvement you should consider, however, is getting enterprise resource planning (ERP) software, and here’s why.
Ways IoT will change the business world
In today’s corporate environment, most industries are ready for the Internet of Things (IoT) in their own unique ways. Let’s take a look at these examples of utilizing IoT in various business niches that are in operation or will be implemented soon.
Need business management software? Try ERP
When small- and medium-sized businesses expand, they need tools that can support their growth. For many, this includes cloud productivity software and managed IT services. And if you need tools for accounting, project planning, supply chain management, and sales, there’s enterprise resource planning (ERP) software.
How IoT will influence businesses
Many IT experts predict that more businesses will gravitate towards the Internet of Things (IoT). This statement is hard to dispute considering that smart thermostats and refrigerators are already in widespread use. But internet-connected appliances aren’t the only thing IoT has to offer.
Using automation in SMB marketing
Marketing automation was once a technology reserved for mega corporations and enterprise-level businesses. Fortunately, the IT industry is making business tools cheaper and more accessible all the time. Nowadays, if you’re a small business owner, you’d have to be crazy to pass up all that marketing automation has to offer.