Should you monitor your employees’ online activities?

To monitor or not to monitor — that is the question. Employee monitoring is a touchy subject. If you’ve ever considered it, then you may ask yourself if it is a good idea for an employer to check on their staff’s online activities. Below are the pros and cons of employee monitoring, and some helpful tips should you push through with it.

Technology tips to increase efficiency

When it comes to increasing your employees’ efficiency and productivity, technology can provide countless opportunities to streamline workflows, eliminate redundant processes, and reduce costs within your organization. If you’re looking to stay ahead of the competition, you need to ditch the traditional ways of working and follow the tips below.

Tips to monitor employee activities online

To monitor your employees, or not to monitor them, that is the topic of this blog post. If you’ve ever considered checking in on your staff’s online activities, you may have hesitated about whether or not it’s the right decision. We’ve listed the pros and cons of monitoring your employees, and some tips to make it a success if you go through with it.

To License or not to License: Choices for Savvy Business Owners

Consumers purchase millions of dollars in new software and hardware every year. Many of the products they buy stay current only for a short period of time, but the money that passes through the economy cannot be under-appreciated. If you have come up with the perfect software or hardware, it is tempting to work on licensing it right away and get your piece of the proverbial pie.