3 ways to ensure your FB data is private

Facebook users woke up to a nightmare when they heard that the social media giant and associated app developers were selling their sensitive data to companies, like Cambridge Analytica, without their consent. So if you're concerned about being one of the 50 million users whose data have already been sold, you should check out the following 3 tips.

Facebook makes space for more relevant posts

Facebook recently announced a big change to its News Feed. In response to the backlashes it has been receiving -- mostly due to allegations of how social media causes depression and affects one’s political views -- it has decided to limit posts from businesses and share more posts from your friends on the News Feed.

Google reviews: how to make them count

Strategies for attracting new customers are always changing, and Google is shaking things up yet again. Apart from well-placed keywords and link-worthy content, reviews from sites like Facebook and Yelp will be displayed in the search results.

How Google changed search results
Google’s new search algorithm is designed to lead people to high-quality products and services.