Gmail productivity tips you should know

A study done by the McKinsey Global Institute found that employees spend an average of 13 hours every week checking their emails. You can bring that number down and spend more time focusing on essential tasks by trying these Gmail tips.
Use keyboard shortcuts
Keyboard shortcuts can help you go through your emails quickly.

Gmail: Manage your emails better with these 5 simple tricks

Security, ease of use, and free service are just some of the main reasons why many businesses use Gmail. But despite the email service’s ubiquity, there are still plenty of ways for users to improve their Gmail experience. Gain better control over your inbox — and your workday — with these tricks.

Start using these six Gmail tips now

Time is of the essence, especially for small- or medium-sized businesses. To keep up with your competitors, spending most of your day rummaging through your inbox won’t help. Use these Gmail tips and tricks and spend less time in front of the monitor and more time enhancing your bottom line.