With new apps flooding the market every day, it can be difficult to pick out the ones that will assist you instead of just inspiring buyer’s remorse. But there are dozens of apps that, despite their miniscule price tag, can have a small but lasting impact on your
Take Dark Sky ($4) for example. An up-to-the-minute accurate forecasting app that will break down weather information for you exactly where you are at any given moment, down to when the expected rain or snowstorm will start and stop.
You can also check out Notability ($9.99), which Business Insider calls “one of the best things to ever happen to note-taking.” The app allows you to mark up PDFs and photos, take voice recordings, and a number of other functions, with everything stored in the cloud.
Those young people mentioned above who have trouble keeping more than one password might appreciate 1Password (Free), a dedicated place to guard all your passwords behind one difficult-to-hack password. BusinessInsider.com 10/26/2017