What if you could tap into the top talent in your industry, no matter where in the world they are? With the power of the mobile web, your all-star team is now – literally – at your fingertips.
Consider this: 83% of workers report that they prefer using cloud apps over those deployed on-premise. Millennials, who will make up almost 50% of the available workforce by 2020, are “digital natives.” And don’t forget how much money remote workers allow you to save on real estate and office equipment.
Yet there are risks. Spreading your network around the world on a variety of devices you don’t control can expose your data in more ways than ever before. The key is to find the right balance between protection and productivity. Here, then, are five ways to effectively “mobilize” your workforce – without endangering your data:
Collaborate In The Cloud – A plethora of online collaboration tools have sprung up that make it easy for a geographically dispersed team to access and share the same files in real time. These tools not only make sharing easy and instantaneous, they help your team communicate quickly and effectively. Tools like Slack, HipChat, Asana, Podio and Trello – to mention just a few of the most popular options – are proving to make teams more productive. And that includes keeping critical data safe and secure.
Expand Elastically – In-house investments in IT hardware, software and staff can lock you into a rigid structure that can’t easily adapt to changes in demand. A cloud-based mobile workforce is able to contract and expand more easily as needs arise, and with very little loss of capital. Bottom line: use a VPN (virtual private network) and cloud-based collaboration tools to remain agile, flexible and competitive.
Potentially Cut Costs – Physical work areas, equipment, software and on-site security expenses can add up. Instead of spending money on office space, equipment and infrastructure, consider investing in innovation and refinement. Combine the power of the cloud with a well-designed workflow to reduce the number of people needed to get things done. That will free up your key players to focus on more important tasks – the ones that boost productivity and ROI.
Deal With BYOD – Let’s face it, BYOD (bring your own device) can be your greatest IT security threat. Yet, like it or not, workers will use their own devices on the job. Foisting strict controls without buy-in will just backfire. Yet doing nothing simply makes you a sitting duck for a cyber-attack. Solution? First, audit how your employees use their devices. Note the data they access and the apps they rely on. Group them by the levels of security and compliance they need to be governed by. A CEO, for example, may need to abide by financial regulations. An HR manager must deal with employment laws. Armed with information from your audit, you can roll out new policies as well as technical and process controls. Train your team in safe practices. And be sure to contact us for help in getting all this done securely and effectively.
Go Remote Without Risk – Whether you want to cut commuting time for your team, tap into the talents of experts outside your locale or simply accommodate a worker caring for family members, mobilizing your workforce can have big benefits. The trick is defending it at all points. Make sure remote workers share files and communicate with other employees only via a secured network. Make sure they use adequate virus protection. And, if they are using WiFi, either at home or on the road, make sure they do it safely. For instance, ensure that their tablet isn’t set to automatically connect to the default wireless network. That’s often an easy access point for hackers.
Free Mobile Risk Assessment – Limited Time Only!
To help you manage a mobile workforce without endangering your data, we’re giving away a Free Mobile Risk Assessment, normally valued at over $300, to the first 10 companies who request it by September 30.
E-mail me at [email protected] or call me directly at 404-975-4030 to schedule yours today. It’s your best bet for keeping ahead of the competition – while keeping your company’s data safe and secure.