Customer service is by far the most important criteria I use to evaluate our vendors

Customer service is by far the most important criteria I use to evaluate our vendors

As technical as your world can get, the simple concept of customer service is by far the most important criteria I use to evaluate our vendors. Jack, Jason, and their team provide excellent customer service and I appreciate it very much. In fact, though we do something very different than Zanacore, I hope we provide the same level of customer service to our customers as consistently as they do.

At Annandale we regularly evaluate our costs as compared to the benefits when looking at our vendor relationships. I cannot recall if Zanacore had the lowest quote when we originally put the IT contract out to bid, but we saw there was a significant return for a reasonable price. We signed with Zanacore and haven’t regretted it for a minute. Their NetGuard service has been worth every penny. I have a horrible habit; when I see a senior level employee do a task unrelated to their specialty – a task not requiring much expertise – I immediately in my mind start converting their salary into an hourly rate and question is that activity worth the amount I just spent. Before we signed with Zanacore, the answer was often, “No.” I would see my CFO, the second highest paid employee in the organization attending to every employee’s most minor IT need and I would cringe. Since Zanacore came on board, it has been wonderful. They really do take care of everything and because of the flat rate structure, we allow employees to contact Zanacore directly. We have also evaluated the option of hiring an in-house IT person, and the numbers do not make sense. It is more cost effective to use Zanacore.

We have no down time – or, at least so minimal, that I can’t remember the last time our network was down.

Lastly, as we grew over the last few years and came to rely more on our information systems, it became increasingly more important to protect our information and our software. Zanacore monitors and maintains our network through their own systems and best practices. As a result we have no down time – or, at least so minimal, that I can’t remember the last time our network was down. Prior to contracting with Zanacore, that was not the case. We would occasionally encounter problems and as a result our network would go down and remain down for some time. We are now about to implement an electronic health record and simply cannot afford to risk downtime; therefore, the investment in Zanacore’s NetGuard protection is well worth it.

Adam Pomeranz
Annandale Village