For more than ten years, Jack and his team of IT experts have provided superb professional assistance, worked indefatigably to insure that we have the best possible IT resources and exhibited the utmost loyalty and integrity. While there may have been cheaper options available, it would have been irresponsible for me to have placed our mission critical IT system in the hands of the lowest bidder. History has proven me right as our relationship has been essential to the explosive and continual growth of our business.
It would be irresponsible for me to place our mission critical IT system in the hands of the lowest bidder.
IT security is critical to our business and essential to our business arrangements with private organizations and numerous state and federal government offices. While I am not fully versed in all of the aspects of the NetGuard system, I know that it has been critical for our network security and server maintenance.
I am aware that you must strive to continually do more with fewer people while delivering the highest possible quality of service and equipment more economically than your bigger competitors. In this, you have been most successful when we have fostered teamwork among our organizations directed at overcoming the inevitable challenges and difficulties.
I would gladly recommend Zanacore to anyone seeking a business partnership that will provide a functional, reliable and flexible IT system at the most optimal cost.
James J Breen
The Breen Law Firm