An IMPORTANT Security Warning
Businesses Running
Server 2003

If your organization is currently running Microsoft Server 2003 on one or more servers in your office, you need to know about a dangerous security threat to your organization that must be addressed very soon. Please take a moment to read this important announcement.

As your local Microsoft Certified Partner, we are aggressively reaching out to all businesses within the Atlanta area that use Microsoft Windows Server 2003 to alert you to this serious security risk to your organization and inform you about what you need to do now to protect your company.

All Machines Running Windows Server
2003 Must
Be Replaced Very Soon

Microsoft has officially announced that it will retire support on the Server 2003 operating system on July 14, 2015. Once support ends on this 11-year-old product, there will be no further patches or security updates, exposing any company running this software to major security and compliance risks. Any server with this software installed will be completely exposed to serious hacker attacks aimed at taking control of your network, stealing data, crashing your system and inflicting a host of other business-crippling problems you do NOT want to have to deal with. Unless you don’t care about cybercriminals running rampant in your company’s server, you MUST upgrade any servers running this operating system.

We are committed to helping all businesses in the Atlanta area reduce the risk and expense of upgrades by offering a Windows Server 2003 Migration Plan for FREE.

The first step in any major project is preparation. At no cost, we’ll come to your office and prepare a customized Server 2003 Migration Plan for your office. In this plan, we will map out the exact steps you need to take to ensure proper migration, including the need for planned downtime, software and data restore procedures, and alternative migration options that minimize the costs involved.

Yes! I am still running Server 2003.
Please sign me up for a FREE
Server Migration Plan!

I understand that this consultation will not be a “heavy pressure” sales meeting and that it will arm me with the information and facts I need to best address this situation.

I will receive:

  • A Customized Migration Plan that will show me how to painlessly upgrade my old Windows Server 2003 equipment. If appropriate for my business, I will also receive information on how I can upgrade my old machines while eliminating the need for me to spend a small fortune on new hardware and software.
  • A FREE 27-point analysis of my computer network aimed at exposing any security risks and issues that I wasn’t aware of and also to find ways to make my business FAR more efficient and productive.

To Secure Your FREE
Server 2003 Migration Plan Call Us Today at 770-381-1780

Important: The average server upgrade project takes nearly 200 days to complete. Don’t wait until
July when everyone is begging
for urgent help.

Fill Out This Form For A FREE Server
Migration Plan!

Important! We hate spam as much (or more!) than you and promise to NEVER rent, share, or abuse your e-mail address and contact information in
any way.

"We can sleep at night knowing our network servers and data are safe."

Unfortunately, today we have to deal with protecting our critical data from cyber thieves trying to hack into networks to steal company, client, and financial information. Our own clients also depend on us to protect their information stored on our servers. With Zanacore NetGuard we have all the necessary hardware and software systems to protect us.

Jim Ollick Bus Mgr MedAcoustics, Inc.