The 5 types of hackers who want to harm your business

You’ve probably heard it said that not all hackers are dangerous. That’s true, of course. For instance, white hat hackers hack into a system to uncover vulnerabilities and boost its protection against cyberthreats. However, we won't be talking about white hat hackers in this blog.

Protect your Facebook and Twitter from hackers

Popular social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter have been suffering massive data breaches for a number of years now. If you wish to continue using these services, you need to tighten your social media privacy settings. Here are a few reminders and tips to help you secure your personal information on social media.

Here are some ransomware decryptor sites you should keep handy

Ransomware is on the rise, but falling victim to one is not the end of the world. You can try some of these ransomware decryptors and maybe one of them will work. These are especially useful against automated “zombie” ransomware types.
The state of ransomware in 2021 so far
Businesses need to deal with ransomware both from outside and within.

Make site visitors feel secure with these tips

Don’t give your customers any reason to feel insecure when dealing with your business. When they visit and use your website, you must engender feelings of trust and security instead of alarm and distrust. Don’t worry — you can easily do this with these three tips.

Signs you have weak enterprise security

As cyberthreats become more sophisticated, many businesses need to prioritize cybersecurity more than ever. But are you sure that your security measures are keeping your enterprise IT assets safe? Here are five signs that they may not be effective.
Open wireless networks
With just one main internet line and a couple of wireless routers, an entire office can get online.

Don’t be a victim of juice jacking

Smartphones have become an indispensable tool for most of us. We use them for a wide range of activities, from gaming to checking social media to accessing work apps. Because of heavy use, our smartphones may sometimes run out of battery. When that happens and you’re out in public with no access to your charger, using public charging kiosks to bring your phone back to life can seem like a good idea — but it’s not.