The basics on 2-step and 2-factor authentication

To keep your network safe from cybercriminals, your first line of defense should be a secure login process. When it comes to verifying user identity, you can choose between two-step authentication and two-factor authentication. Know more about the difference between the two, so you can have a better appreciation of your cybersecurity options.

Tips to monitor employee activities online

To monitor your employees, or not to monitor them, that is the topic of this blog post. If you’ve ever considered checking in on your staff’s online activities, you may have hesitated about whether or not it’s the right decision. We’ve listed the pros and cons of monitoring your employees, and some tips to make it a success if you go through with it.

The lowdown on cloud security

While many IT providers tout the revolutionary benefits of the cloud, very few address the security aspect of it. The fact is, when you’re using a cloud service, you’re moving information out of your hands and into a third party. So doesn’t it make sense to take precautions? Dropbox alone has had the accounts of nearly seven million users hacked.