Exclusive FREE Report:

“What Every Business Owner Should Know About Backing Up Their Data To Get A FAST, Easy, And Economical
Recovery In The Event Of A Disaster”

If your data is important to your business and you cannot afford to have your operations halted for days – even weeks – due to data loss or corruption, then you need to read this report and act on the information inside. This report will outline the most commonly made, costly mistakes that most small business owners make with their data backups, as well as important questions you should ask any offsite backup provider before giving them access to your data.

You’ll Discover:

data loss
  1. What remote, offsite, or managed backups are, and why EVERY business should have them in place.
  2. 12 critical characteristics you should absolutely demand from any backup service; do NOT trust your data to anyone who does not meet these criteria.
  3. Where tape backups fail and give you a false sense of security.
  4. Frightening trends, cases, and questions every business owner should know and consider regarding data security.
  5. The single most important thing to look for in a remote backup service provider.


How confident are you that your data can be restored quickly in the event of a major network malfunction? Did you know that tape backups are the worst type of backup you can rely on? How do you know if your offsite backup service provider is secure…and keeps a backup of your backup? This free report will answer these important questions and arm you with everything you need to know to make a smart choice when choosing a backup service.

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data testimonial
Before we switched to Zanacore Technologies we were at severe risk of catastrophic loss because numerous maintenance issues were being neglected. I recommend Zanacore Technologies NetGuard for any business which is dependent on a reliable and stable data network.

Bob Penman Graham & Penman LLP