Free Report Download: If You Are Considering Cloud Computing For Your Company, DON’T, Until You Read This...
If you are considering cloud computing or Office 365 to save money or simplify IT, it is extremely important that you read this special report, “5 Critical Facts Every Business Owner Must Know Before Moving Their Network To The Cloud.”
This report discusses in simple, non-technical terms the pros and cons of cloud computing, data security, how to choose a cloud provider, as well as three little-known facts that most IT consultants don’t know or won’t tell you about cloud computing that could end up causing you MORE problems and costing you more money than you anticipated. Even if you aren’t ready to move to the cloud yet, this report will give you the right information and questions to ask when the
time comes.
The cost of doing business is climbing, and not just due to economic issues. Organizations, both small and large, are under attack. Cyber-Criminals are proving time and again that no one is safe, and the worst thing any of us can do is assume that we’re not a target. Small businesses are especially at risk since they often fail to use the right tools and procedures to protect their networks.
So what can we do? One very important and often overlooked step is to educate yourself and your employees on how to recognize and avoid malicious websites and phishing e-mail scams. Zanacore is pleased to offer Free Security Education services for clients, business partners, prospective clients, and their staff. For more information call: 404-975-4030.
Trivia Contest Win a $25 Quick Trip Gift Card
The winner of last month’s Trivia Contest was Kerby Gordon at Hudspeth Law Firm . He was the first person to correctly identify that –40 degrees Fahrenheit and Celsius are the same temperature. Be the first person to e-mail us with the correct answer to this month’s question and we will send you a $25 Quick Trip gift card!
Japanese computer-gaming company Nintendo was founded in which one of the following years?