June 2016

Shadow IT: Ignore At Your Own Risk

It’s one of those little secrets that nobody wants to talk about...

The term “Shadow IT” refers to apps and devices ...

Shiny New Gadget Of The Month: What If Your Smartphone Had Wings

Video streaming from the air is about to get much more affordable.

It just so happens that the brains, gyroscope, GPS ...

Free Report Download: What Every Small Business Owner Must Know About Protecting And Preserving Their Company’s Critical Data And Computer Systems

You Will Learn:
  1. The only way to know for SURE your data can be recovered if lost, corrupted or deleted—yet fewer than 10% of businesses have this in place.
  2. 7 critical characteristics you should absolutely demand from any off-site backup service.
  3. Where many backups fail and give you a false sense of security.
  4. The #1 cause of data loss that businesses don’t even think about until their data is gone.

Claim Your FREE Copy Today at www.zanacore.com/12facts

Imagine just taking a pill to acquire a whole new skill set

In The Matrix, Neo opens his eyes after being programmed and tells Morpheus, “I know Kung Fu.”

According to futurist ...

Separating Yourself From The Start-up Pack

Many of America’s favorite companies began as a small start-up.

Ben & Jerry’s sold ice cream out of an old gas station ...

Which app best helps you take notes on the go – Google Keep or Evernote?

Google Keep runs faster with a cleaner mobile interface than ...

Facebook wants to help you blow up your business.

The Facebook Ad platform can work wonders when you apply ...

Hootsuite, Buffer…or both?

Keeping in touch with new and current customers via social ...

Trivia Contest
Win a $25 Quick Trip Gift Card

Be the first person to e-mail us with the correct answer to this month’s trivia question and we will send you a $25 Quick Trip gift card!

How many dimples are there on a regular golf ball?

a) 336 b) 294 c) 418 d) 377

E-Mail Right Now With Your Answer!
[email protected]

“As a business owner, you don’t have time to waste on technical and operational issues. That’s where we shine!

Call us and put an end to your IT problems finally and forever!”

Jack Marder, Zanacore